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Caffeine Levels
Caffeine levels vary significantly from coffee to coffee. Two coffees might both taste good and strong, but one could have literally three times as much caffeine as the other!
Individuals who are sensitive to caffeine need to know the details of what they are drinking in order to have a comfortable coffee-drinking experience. To that end, we have made the caffeine comparison chart below. Hope this is helpful!
IMPORTANT: All these values are approximations, based on coffee species and altitude.
We recommend using these numbers as a way to compare one coffee to another, not a mathematical guarantee.
Coffees Sorted by Brand and Name:All numbers are milligrams per 8 ounce serving. Trung Nguyen CoffeesBuon Me Thuot Special: 160 mg Truong LamHome Blend: 160 mg Our Own Fresh Roasted CoffeesVietnamese Robusta: 180 mg |
Coffees Sorted by Caffeine Content:All numbers are milligrams per 8 ounce serving. |
Non-coffee items:
All are per 8 ounces. This is to make it easier for you to compare this to the coffees.
Black tea: Averages 45 mg
Green tea: Averages 30 mg
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr Pepper: 23 mg
Mountain Dew: 33 mg
Red Bull: 80 mg
5-Hour Energy: 800 mg (bear in mind, though, that the recommended serving is 2 ounces, not 8)
Hot Chocolate made with 2 tbsp cocoa powder: 16 mg
And, just for fun, here's how much caffeine (theobromide) is in a 1 ounce bar of dark chocolate: 22 mg
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Colombian Castillo Heritage Arabica!
Coffee from the days when Colombian coffee defined American consumer tastes. Warm, rich, delicious! Read more here!