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Philippine Liberica, endangered species

A unique and irreplaceable part of our worldwide coffee heritage, Liberica is an entirely separate species of coffee. Its almond-shaped beans have an exceptional aroma, almost floral and fruity, while its flavor is full and slightly smokey. We guarantee you have never tasted anything like this rare and exotic coffee.

Liberica is a vanishing species of coffee that is only now being brought back from the brink of extinction, and your purchase supports conservation of both the coffee and the forests where it grows.

Sometimes we have to get our precious, dwindling supply via airplane. Scarcity and transportation expense have forced us to raise the price of Liberica. This price represents the real, honest cost of this rare bean. The import shipping alone costs us $15 per kilo these days!

Now, more than ever, your purchase of Liberica is saving the entire species from extinction. Help us protect coffee biodiversity and preserve this irreplaceable part of our world's coffee heritage!

Medium Roast. Please choose whole bean or ground. 1 lb (16 ounce) bags. About 80 mg caffeine per serving (Low).

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Customer Reviews

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  1. 5 Star Review Be a Man, Drink Liberica

    good, strong, tastes like fortitude and resilience. Not for the faint of heart. If you like starbucks then dont bother. We dont want your kind here.

    Posted by on Feb 14th 2017

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