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Vietnamese Coffee

We have been importing the highest quality green coffee beans from Vietnam for over a decade and creating single-origin coffees and blends, including our popular Saigon Blends line of traditional Vietnamese style coffees. These are fresh-roasted here by us every day on our low-emissions electric roasters. These are always available, regardless of lockdowns or shortages affecting Vietnam. They are also 100% natural and vegan.

Trung Nguyen is the best-selling brand of coffee in Vietnam, with 800 coffeeshops throughout Southeast Asia. Travelers returning from Vietnam often remember their Trung Nguyen cafe experience and long to recreate it.

Their coffees include the Creative Coffees line of carefully blended coffees roasted in authentic Vietnamese deep butter-roast and their flagship coffee, Legendee (Sang Tao 8 in the domestic packaging). They also produce Asia's top-selling gourmet instant coffee... please look in our Instant Coffee section for these products.

Below is a full list of all the items in all the sub-categories. This is useful if you want to browse everything, but you might find it easier to select one of the sub-categories above.

  • Saigon Blend DeCaf##for 1 lb (16 ounces), drip grind or whole bean##

    Saigon Blend DeCaf


    We are the only coffee merchants in the USA to offer full DeCaf Vietnamese coffee. Vietnamese Coffee lovers who needed to eliminate caffeine had no options until now. Our taste testers really could not determine which... Learn more

  • Saigon Espresso #1 ##for 1 lb (16 ounce), whole bean only##

    Saigon Espresso #1


    So we've had the Saigon Espresso #2 for years now, and people ask, where is the Saigon #1? Or, "Why is it called '2'"? Well, many years ago when the world was semi-sane, Trung Nguyen produced 2 whole bean espressos that were... Learn more

  • Saigon Espresso 2 ##the famous Vietnamese espresso taste profile is back!##

    Saigon Espresso #2


    When we became the authorized distributors of Trung Nguyen coffees in 2005, one of our favorite blends was the Espresso #2 whole bean blend. It was drier than the Creative coffees and  ground well and extracted... Learn more

  • Saigon Espresso #1 ##our power coffee Espresso #1 now has a decaf!##

    Saigon Espresso #1 DeCaf - NEW!


    We were commissioned by a resort restaurant to create a DeCaf version of our "power" espresso developed for cafés and coffee shops. It was so well received we are making it a standing product on the website. When we... Learn more

  • Trung Nguyen Legendee Coffee (Sang Tao 8 /Creative 8) ##for 250g, ground##

    Trung Nguyen Legendee Coffee (Creative 8 / Sang Tao 8)


    Legendee Silver / Creative 8 is the most famous Trung Nguyen coffee, and the coffee most apt to surprise and delight tourists visiting Vietnam. Characteristics include an incredible natural sweetness. Many customers who... Learn more

  • Vietnamese Peaberry Robusta ##for 1 lb (16 ounces)##

    Vietnamese Dalat Peaberry Robusta


    Vietnamese Peaberry Robusta is the secret ingredient in Italian espresso. Its lush body, chocolatey taste, and excellent aftertaste are a product of the rich soil in Vietnam, and the fact that they are able to sun-dry the... Learn more

  • Trung Nguyen Gourmet Blend, new package##for 500 grams (1.17 lb)##

    Gourmet Blend from Trung Nguyen


    Still their top-seller worldwide, Trung Nguyen's famous Gourmet Blend of all four bean varieties, in two 250-gram foil bags within decorative boxes (500 gram total, 1.2 pounds). This is the traditional House Blend coffee... Learn more

  • ##for 15 sachets##

    G7 Black Gourmet Instant Coffee


    Black G7 for those who prefer their coffee black, or simply prefer to add their own cream and/or sugar to their coffee. The G7 Black is also able to dissolve in cold water for an iced coffee. Our taste tests of over 40... Learn more

  • G7 Gourmet Instant Coffeemix Coffee ##for 50 sachets##

    G7 3-in-1 Gourmet Instant Coffee


    The original and still the top seller! G7 was the first instant coffee to be extracted directly from the unroasted coffee bean, not from freeze-dried brewed coffee like American brands. It's been the top instant coffee in... Learn more

Latest Coffee Addition

Brazil Microlots

Colombian Castillo Heritage Arabica!

Coffee from the days when Colombian coffee defined American consumer tastes. Warm, rich, delicious! Read more here!


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